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Unlock the power of Psychometric Profiles to assess job compatibility and gain insights into how an individual will seamlessly integrate into and influence your team—well before they join! Leveraging psychometric tests to profile potential candidates provides a profound understanding of their innate behavioural style and the tasks and activities they naturally gravitate towards. This invaluable insight proves especially beneficial when evaluating job fit during the screening phase of the employment process.


Extended DISC emerges as an invaluable psychometric tool, playing a pivotal role in various facets of the recruitment process, including:

  1. Screening Potential Candidates
  2. Identifying Candidates Aligned with Job Requirements
  3. On-boarding and Training
  4. Learning and Development

Relying on mere intuition is insufficient when aiming to secure the most suitable candidate. In the pre-employment screening phase, swift and comprehensive online Extended DISC assessments streamline the process of identifying the ideal candidate for the job, saving both time and resources. Rather than dealing with frequent hiring or addressing motivation and performance issues, employers can foster a content workforce by selecting candidates whose behavioral style aligns seamlessly with specific roles.

Addressing Employee Promotions or Behavioral Challenges in Your Team?

Explore the capabilities of Extended DISC assessments, a valuable tool for assessing development needs, succession planning, and gauging promotion potential within your team. Imagine the ability to evaluate your current team members to pinpoint the right person for a promotion or a new management role. With Extended DISC, you gain comprehensive insights to set your newly promoted employee up for success.

Furthermore, in instances of behavioral issues, performance slumps, or personality clashes, leverage Extended DISC to unravel the ‘why’ and receive guidance on diffusing situations or enhancing individual performance.

Tailored Extended DISC Profiles:

  1. Individual Communication Assessment
  2. Management Assessment
  3. Leadership Assessment
  4. Customer Service Assessment
  5. Team Building Assessment
  6. Pair Assessment
  7. And Many More Variations

Key Benefits:

  • Uncover Conscious and Unconscious Behavioral Patterns
  • Determine the Best-Fit Roles for Individuals
  • Understand Team Roles and Dynamics
  • Identify Long-term Candidates for Job Vacancies
  • Pinpoint Strengths and Weaknesses

As an accredited consultant, Xavier has facilitated over 600 Extended DISC and Sales Competence assessments for businesses across Australia. Enhance your business with NextGen HR—call us today.